Instagram pravkar lansiral obrazne (Snapchat) filtre!

Si opazila, da je Instagram pravkar postal še bolj podoben Snapchatu? Zabavni obrazni filtri, ki si jih do nedavnega lahko uporabljala le na aplikaciji Snapchat, so zdaj na voljo tudi na Instagramu.

In kako jih lahko začneš uporabljati?

1. korak: Posodobi Instagram na zadnjo različico, nato pa odpri aplikacijo.

2. korak: Ko si na domači strani aplikacije povleci ekran v desno. Kamero obrni, kot da bi želela narediti selfie, nato pa klikni na obraz desno spodaj (odprli se ti bodo filtri).

3. korak: Naredi zabavno fotko.

Trenutno je na voljo osem obraznih filtrov in komaj čakamo, da jih dodajo še več!

Today, we’re introducing face filters, an easy way to turn an ordinary selfie into something fun and entertaining. Whether you’re sitting on the couch at home or you’re out and about, you can use face filters to express yourself and have playful conversations with friends. Simply open the camera and tap the new face icon in the bottom right corner. Tap a filter to try it on and send it to your friends or add it to your story. They even work with Boomerang! Also today, we’re rolling out three new creative tools. Make videos that play in reverse with “Rewind,” add context to your story with a hashtag sticker and get creative with the eraser brush. Instagram has always been the place you can go to turn regular moments into something you can’t wait to share. Now, you have more fun and easy ways to express yourself and connect with the people you care about most. To learn more about today’s updates, check out These updates are available as part of Instagram version 10.21 for iOS in the Apple App Store and for Android in Google Play.

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